Chao Chen

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Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
North Carolina State University

Office: SAS 4236
Phone: 919-513-3212


  • I received my PhD from the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME) at Stanford in 2018, where I was advised by Eric Darve.

  • I was an intern at Nvidia Research in summer 2018, an intern at Center for Computing Research in Sandia National Laboratories for three summers (2015-2017), and an intern at Computational Materials Science Group in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in summer 2013.

  • I obtained my BS at Nankai University (Tianjin, China) in 2012.

Research Interests

  • I develop efficient algorithms for matrix computations with applications to computational tasks ranging from solving partial differential equations to analyzing large high-dimensional datasets. Compared to classical algorithms, the new methods typically have lower asymptotic complexity and higher performance on modern computing platforms. Through collaborations with domain experts, I am also interested in applying new algorithms to solving real-world problems.